Exporting terrain from cityengine
Exporting terrain from cityengine

exporting terrain from cityengine

The intensity values are stretched to cover the entire range of possible values. but it does:ĮDIT 2: The reason for this is that -normalize modifier performs a different action than I was expecting (making sure that the color bounds are present in the image). I've created a script to check if the image coming from CE was already normalized and it effectively is, so the process of normalizing an already normalized image should not change anything. This also made me notice that the "-normalize" argument in convert was, for some reason, changing the values in the terrain image. Was not causing the problem, and I confirm that the problem persists with Photoshop conversion. I have also tried to do the conversion to raw in Photoshop, to ensure that ImageMagick's command: convert -flop -depth 16 -endian LSB terrain.png gray:rawTerrain.raw Modelers can export CityEngine culture models in FBX file format, and then convert them to MVRsimulations model format for rendering in VRSG.

exporting terrain from cityengine

Do you have any idea about what can be causing this? City Engine exports the heightmap as a png file and then I convert it to raw using ImageMagick.ĮDIT: Trying to debug this process, I have already confirmed that the problem is caused by something related with the heightmap pipeline: CE terrain png export - conversion to raw - Unity terrian import, because if I export the terrain as a mesh in City Engine, its import to Unity matches the other models as expected. However, I'm having difficulties to achieve a correct match between them (houses are "inside" the terrain) as you can see in the image below.


Export work back into your high-end visualisation software or game engines. These two assets: heightmap and models are exported in two independent steps although all the necessary data is preserved to make it possible to merge them seamlessly in Unity. Create interactive and immersive urban environments with Esri CityEngine. Enabling this option can help to reduce the size of the. Note: Pay special attention to the Simplify Terrain Meshes option. For details about the other general export options, see the exporting models in the CityEngine help manual. Execute script to export model to Unity CityEngine 8. General export options Make sure to set the location to the models folder of the current project.


Execute script to update heights in the Enterprise Geodatabase CityEngine 7. Furthermore, terrains can be imported, aligned, and exported.

exporting terrain from cityengine

Adjust the floorplan heights based on terrain and building models CityEngine 6. This allows for intuitive city modeling and quick changes on a city-wide scale. I'm importing a terrain from City Engine along with an entire set of FBX models (which compose an entire city). Execute tools to export the data to CityEngine ArcMap 5.

Exporting terrain from cityengine